1 Corinthians 13:4-5
Love suffers long and is kind;
love does not envy;
love does not parade itself,
is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely,
does not seek its own,
is not provoked, thinks no evil;
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Word from God Jan 22/20
Come sit at my feet. I shall comfort the brokenhearted. I will restore those who are weary from battle. I shall uphold and strengthen you. Let go of the days of old, for your future is bright ahead of those who love me. Let go of the past and all the pain that has come with it. Let go of those that hurt you and the abuse you endured.
I am mending those with a broken heart. I am restoring all that was taken from you. I am healing all the wounds that are still so fresh. Lean on me and let me do a new thing in you. I am preparing you my children for what is ahead. I want you whole and healed. Filled with the holy spirit. Know that you are loved and what I do with you is for your completeness and for my glory.
That which is about to come upon the earth will surprise many. But let it not surprise you child. You who are mine shall be lifted above the darkness of the earth. Do you hear what the spirit is saying. Do you know what your Lord is up to. Many of you are with heavy heart.
You say I can't do this, I am not good enough, I can not forgive myself. You say these things and more. But who are you listening to? Surely not me, for I say you are good enough. I say I love you and want you. I say I forgive you. So take heed to what I say says God.
Take a hold of my promises and write them deep upon your heart. Let them sink deep into your soul. Know that I will bring you higher and deeper in me. You MUST let go of the days of old, of things past. You must forgive yourself and not lean on your understanding but lean on mine.
Lean on the love and mercy I have for you. I will bring you to the finish line. But you must be willing to lay down all. Yes even your own self hate and failures. Did you think I didn't know about what you would do? I know the ending from the beginning and yet I wanted you and died for you. See my love is true, you can be sure of this child. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
I am finishing up the last of what needs to be done in the lives of those who are mine. Do not be weary but rejoice. For soon I shall call you fourth. Be strengthened in these words I give you. For your time is shorter then you think. All I need is your heart and full surrender I will take it from there and bring you to places you never thought possible. I will use you in ways you never knew were possible. Now is that time. Listen to what I am say, says the Lord your God.
Word from God, Jan 24 2020
I am now taking the years of pain and suffering. The trials and tribulations you have suffered. All that has come against you will now be turned into beauty. I shall make beauty out of your ashes. I am now taking that which was broken and mending the brokenhearted. I will restore all that the Locust have taken. This is the time for many to receive the favor of God.
I am opening up the heavens and pouring out my spirit. Aline yourself to the will of the Lord. Position yourself to receive the blessings, anointing and the spirits of God to fall upon those who are called. Hear what the spirit is saying. Ready yourselves, ready yourselves says God. For now is the time of a great out pouring.
Get into that secret place with me, so that I may fill your cup overflowing. First be cleansed. Go to your brother or sister that you have unforgiveness for and forgive. If you need forgiveness ask them for forgiveness. For this is pleasing to your father. Let Love be your guide. If you follow the will of your father in this, your healing shall come, says the Lord your God.
Word from God Feb 10/20
This is the time for healing and restoration. This is the time of the finishing of the work I have started in you. I am bringing you inner healing and restoration. This is the time of an out pouring of my spirit. You will suddenly have the spirit fall upon you like never before. This is the beginning of the awakening.
Many shall awaken in this hour. For my spirit will be poured out. My glory fall upon the earth for all to see. Your enemy is rising the bar. He wishes to take out mine who are called. But my hand is upon you and will not leave you. I shall uphold you child. It is time to lay all down, past and present to be taken by your heavenly father and healed, restored once and for all.
Let the work I started in my children come to completion. Seek me now children while you still can. Wrap yourself in the holy spirit. Let him guide you and comfort you. Let my word be printed upon your hearts. For a time shall come when this is no longer an easy thing to do.
Be grounded firmly in the Lord. Walking in my ways. Repenting with a humble heart. Asking and I shall give all you need in order to walk upright. Wisdom, discernment, my heart, my eyes, my ways. This is the time to come and be filled like you never had before. Let the fire burn in your bellies. Let the anointed ones arise and go out for all to hear of the goodness of God.
I am giving gifts to my children and favor on many. Come and take it from my hands. Yes you must ask for it and take it from my hands. It is here for the taking. This is not the end but the beginning of a great revival that the world has never seen. Do not let the darkness you see frighten you. For these are the signs of the times you are in. Is it not in my word, yes.
Also in my word I tell you what I will do in these last days that no man has ever seen. The healings, spirit awakenings. NOW is that time. Come while you can and be filled says the Lord your God.
Word from God Feb 10/20 2
Why do you walk around like an abandoned orphan? You are not an orphan, so pick up your head child. You feel alone because you have walked away from your father. You stand at a distance. Many are not close to me and feel I have abandoned them. But if you knew the heart of your father you would know what is happening and instead of feeling alone you would say yes Lord have your way.
For many think I am here to only punish and let your enemy devour, no says God. I allow what I do to help you grow. To bring about a stronger walk in me. To draw you to myself. Many of your battles would not be so if you were closer to your father. For what enemy attacks while the child is in the fathers arms. Therefore come now and let me wrap my arms around you and do a new thing in you.
Stay close and focused on the father. Open your ears to hear what the spirit is saying. Your enemy wishes to devour and shut you up. But if you stay in my arms I shall carry you to the end. I will uphold you and bring you to new levels in me. Do you understand what I am saying. Now is the time to come closer then ever as things play out before you.
Be not afraid, but ready yourselves, for soon I come says the Lord your God.
Word from God Feb 10/20 3
Let what you do for the kingdom of God be for the glory of God and take not the glory for yourselves. There will be great reward for those who do the fathers will for his glory and take none for themselves. Those who steal glory from God will see what they did burn up for it means nothing coming from a heart of greed.
Your walk and intimacy with God must come first. Your fruit will not be healthy enough to give fourth if it is not coming from a soil that is rich and deeply rooted in me. It will be corrupted from sin. If you are more concern in ministering then growing in me you will bring bad fruit that will not feed and is corrupt. But if you feed from a fruit that is birthed from purity in deeply rooted relationship with me in rich soil when you feed this fruit it will feed them fully and they will grow in me.
I will cut away all fruit that is not pure. I will strip you of all the old to make you new. To many want to do the comfortable jobs for me. The hard jobs are the hardest and most important.
Word from God Feb 24/20
As I was starting to watch a video given me with Kobe Bryant wife standing before thousands to talk. I asked God a question. What about the others who died in this crash. No one is honoring them. God spoke and said I am, I will honor them. Then he continued.
This is for my children who have no honor given. I will honor you. I will stand up for you just like I did Stephen. Know that many are pushed aside. Many are treated with out value. But your father loves you and values you.
I loved you so much that I died for you. That child is how valuable you are to me. Do not measure yourself by mans standards. For those who are greatest in the kingdom are the least in the world. Do you see! I take the least of these and make them mighty men and women of God.
Those who are first will be last and those last shall be first. Hold your heads high. For it matters not what man thinks but what God thinks. Be more concerned with what your father in heaven thinks. Many have given all for the kingdom of God. For them there is great reward in heaven.
Waist not your time here collecting treasure. But store up treasure in heaven where it does not die, is not corrupt, or stained. But will bring reward because you did your fathers will.
Yes, surely I will honor you my child. I will up hold you and show you to all the world. They shall see how loved you are. They shall see the glory of God shine from your face. Be not sad or dismayed. For those of you who obey your father. Walk in my ways and show my love to another have pleased me greatly. So arise, look up for soon you shall see your rewards.
You shall see me stand up for you and say yes, surely I know this one. They are mine. Come and dine with the king child. There will be no more tears or sadness. Be of good cheer. For the sorrow you see now will not last for long. Be strong knowing you please your father. Continue in the ways of God. You shall be honored soon enough, says the Lord your God.
Word from God Feb 24/20 2
Many of my children question my will for them. What path shall I take Lord. You are impatient like a small child. I will share what is needed with you. But know that when I share with you my plans, it is not because you must know but to bring you hope.
For with out hope no man can last. I am your blessed hope. I give only what is needed to sustain you and keep you seeing that I have this. But note, I will not share all with you. For if I did, then where is faith. I wish for more of my children to walk in faith alone. Trusting your father will tell you what you need.
There is no need to know my will in order to walk in my will. Do you see, do you hear what the spirit is saying. How great is the faith that doesn't question but knows they need not know my will but will walk blindly knowing I have them by the hand. I shall lead them here and there as I will. I shall opened doors no man will shut and close doors no man can open.
I do this as you surrender your will for mine. You have a free will you can use that I will not come against. I still move in your life. But how much greater for the child that surrenders their will for mine. The child who gives the father full permission to do his perfect will in their life. How much greater a life will that be. Only in full surrender will you see the most beauty out of your ashes.
Give me free reign in your life to do my perfect will and watch my hand do what no man can. I will make you new. I will take that which looks like nothing in mans eyes and make you mighty in my eyes. For when I change a life it is always to go higher.
Many of my children pull back afraid of what I will do. But know that your father loves you and will only do what will bring about the complete work I have started in you. All that comes from my hand will be for your good and my glory. Surrendering to my will can only bring you higher in me says the Lord your God.
Word from God March 8/20
I am bringing a new beginning. A new generation, a holy priest hood to come upon this nation. Many shall stand and say no more. Many will see their lives change in ways they never thought possible. Many will see the breakthrough they have longed for. All this and a spiritual awakening will come now as my spirit falls. Yes, says God my spirit is falling upon many now in this hour. You will see much come in the natural that will bring about the spiritual.
You will see suddenly things happen before your eyes. I am bringing a shaking and a shifting but also a healing to many in this hour. As time passes more will be played out before you. There are those who think they have out witted the Lord. HA, they know not who they fight against. They fight against the great I AM. They have built up in their minds that they are strong enough to come against me and those who are mine.
I have news for them. They will not change the plans of God. They will not win in their wicked schemes. They think they can mock and plan behind closed doors and no one will be the wiser. But I shall bring to light the wickedness that is being done in darkness. They shall be caught says God will their pants down. I will embarrass and expose.
The only change that will come is when you come to me with a humble and willing heart. You must seek your father with all your heart. You must be willing to obey what your father ask of you. In order to use you, and bring you to a place of being that precious diamond you must be willing to go through the buffeting and cleansing, says the Lord your God.
Word from God. Something NEW is coming. March 9/20
A great change is coming, a turning around. You will never be the same says God. Do you see that even though darkness has increased and judgments are falling, so is my spirit. I am about to do something in your life time that you would not believe, even if I told you.
I am about to bring you higher, make you bolder, change lives in ways you only dreamed of. Blessings, anointing, restoring, healing, uplifting, changing inside out. Are you ready to do things that even in the days of old men did not do like you will now.
I will bring fourth those who are called to do wonders and many will say surly this is God. I have told you NEW BEGINNINGS this year. I am not a man that I should lie. Believe when I speak it shall not come back void. Come and ready yourselves.
Ask me to do this new thing in you. Draw close so that I may use you for the kingdom purpose and for my glory. Men will see you and know you are mine. Those who many thought were nothing will now be shown to all the world how much the father loved them, and is now bringing them to a higher place in him. They will be used in way no one thought was possible.
How do you ready yourselves? Lay all down, get your hearts ready. Aline yourselves with me and my ways. Let go of anything the world has to offer. Obey no matter the cost. Be not ashamed of me and I will not be ashamed of you. Do you see, you must be sold out for the Lord your God. You must seek me out in the secret place daily. Let my will now be your will.
Come and sup with me and let me make you new. For what is coming shall bring many to their knees. So surrender yourselves now to my will, says the Lord your God.
Word from God March 11/20
(While doing the video of the word above he showed up, so go watch on YouTube. One thing he said I need to share because it is important with all that is happening.)
God said if you are walking in fear you are not walking in the spirit. What child is afraid crossing the street holding their fathers hand. They are not because he is strong and will protect them.
The same with your father in heaven. He is there for you, beside you. Put your hand in his and get to the finish line. There is no need to fear when you are holding the Lords hand.
So do not walk in fear but in the spirit says God.
Word from God, March 17/20
Ride the waves with me. It will be like a roller coaster ride. So gird you’re loins, and ready yourselves with the spirit of repentance.
Get your house in order, and stay in prayer. You must stay in prayer in this hour. For the time is at hand. Do not just pray for mercy. But come to Me with a contrite heart in prayer and supplication.
Go behind closed doors to that secret place and pray through out your day, daily. Pray for eyes to be opened. Hearts to be softened and many to repent in this hour. For repentance will change the atmosphere.
Repent and humble yourself before the Lord thy God is needed in this hour. Judgment will continue to fall, and intensify in order to bring the proud to their knees, and many to repent. This is the time to bring in the great spiritual awakening.
Soon every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that I am lord.
You are in a critical hour. Pray, pray, pray. Intercede for the lost for the hour is at hand.
Many think they can change the plans of God, this is not so says the Lord. The wickedness is great and is a stench in the fathers nostrils. Watch as I play my hand now and bring the wicked to their knees. They will be a puppet in my hands, says God.
Children it will feel like a roller coaster ride. You will have moments of quiet then suddenly. Hold onto your father’s hand least you fall to the wayside.
For those who are mine do not be afraid for I am in complete control. I am still the great I am, and I am still on the throne, says the Lord your God.
Word from God, March 21/20
What has befallen you in this hour is to bring the proud, arrogant and wicked to their knees. Repentance is needed in this hour or worse shall befall you. Hear what the spirit is saying.
The wicked shall use this sorrow for their gain. They shall win for a short while. But they will not change the heart of God. See how the heart has waxed so cold. You can now see the end can you not child.
Some of my children do not have the fathers heart. If it has come from you mouth I hope the wicked get this, you are not showing my heart, nor the true love of God in what you say. Stop and repent. Many of you have a self righteous spirit, again I say repent. For the time is at hand. You shall be accountable for what you do with what has been given you.
Surely the heart of God is great mercy, grace and love. Yes I am just and so the judgments come. To wake up the masses. Do you see? Even in this sorrow and time of woe, I wish to bring you to myself through repentance.
I am angered by the things I see, the stench is overwhelming. Many have brought the judgment down upon themselves. I wish for them to fall upon bended knee and come to me. Ask me to forgive you and I will. But many of you will not.
There four you have brought this upon your own heads. You shall reap what you sow. I shall leave you to yourselves to wallow in your sin and wicked ways. It has sorrowed my heart to see many will not turn from their wickedness. The wages of your sin is death, and so death shall become you. The second death shall be far worse then the first.
For my children, be of good cheer. I am with you always. I will hold you above this time of sorrow. Be strengthened by my hand. You will have opportunity soon to share my love for many. Hold tight while many are being held aside in waiting.
While you wait fast and pray and seek me with your whole heart. What I am to do with you is soon. So come and be filled and strengthened now. Rest and prepare yourself. For I shall come calling soon. Get your house in order and turn from anything that might steal you from the will of your father. For where sin is I can not abide.
I leave you child with a tender hug as I gave today to many. I am here be not afraid. But come and rest upon my chest a while longer, I have you, says the Lord your God.
Word from God March 21 / 23/ 20
I have told you to trust me. I will not leave you, I will uphold you. But now I say show me that I can trust you! Will you obey me. Will you seek me. Will you go where I ask you to go with out question?
Do you see that in order to use you and bring you before all that you are mine, I must trust you will do as you are told. You must not question but say yes Lord send me. You must have understanding what the spirit is saying. For it is soon upon you that I shall bring you forward for all the world to see.
They shall know that you are mine. You are and will be my special forces. But as with any army. You must be committed, loyal and obey all commands without question. So I ask again can I trust you. Search your hearts. See if there is any area of your life that you have not allowed me in.
If you see any come to me in repentance and say come in Lord and do a new thing in me. Take out that which is not of you. Make me clean and whole. I wish to obey you Lord. I will watch you and see if you mean what you say or if you are all talk. If you mean it, then next time I say come be alone with me and pray, will you. When I say repent, will you.
When I say go over there and do this or give that, will you. When I say tell them about me and how loved they are will you or will you walk away. I must trust you will do as I lead you.
Now do not be afraid of what you see before you. For all must take place and more. Much more will play out. You will feel like you are on a roller coaster. Trust me I will ride it with you and uphold you through this. Then soon I will bring those I have called fourth. Be in prayer and fast for the time is at hand, even at the door, says the Lord your God.
Word from God, April 2 2020
The world judges you by what you did, even just one thing. But I judge you by who's you are. You are a child of a king. You are more then a conquer, you are victorious. And the mistakes you've made will be used for your good and my glory. See I take that which satan uses to bring you down and I will use it to bring you higher.
I will take the darkness he throws at you and turn it into light. I will not let you fall from it, but bring you higher in spit of it. Just be willing, obey and follow my ways. I will take what is dark in you, remove it and place only the light of God in you, my spirit. Seek the holy spirit. Ask me for the infilling I will fill you to over full. The holy spirit will empower you.
So why do you judge yourself by the standards of the world. Do not try to fit into the world for I have made you a peculiar people. Do not judge yourself by their standards for they think with the limitation of man and not with the wisdom of God. Did I not say come to me and repent and I shall forgive you. Then why do you hold onto your mistakes and listen to the lizards lies.
You are to be a peculiar people. You should stand out as different because of the great love and mercy you show. You should be different because they see Christ in you. If you as children of God are walking in fear what is setting you apart?
If you children of God are no different then the back bitters and are filled with hate and disdain for your fellow man, even going after your own. What sets you apart? Nothing, for then you are no different then those who know me not. Therefore Set yourself apart from the worlds ways. For they are filled with self, void of love. Seeking to only fulfill the flesh.
You must shine with the goodness of God and be a light in a dark place. But first you must be cleansed. You must lay all down and allow me to finish what I have started in you. So that all remains is your father in you and void of darkness. You then can be a light to those who are lost.
Many are coming out of the wilderness. You have been in the place of testing, trails and tribulation. Now come out and be filled says God. God says to speak over yourself. The angels are listening to either the words of life or the words of death. Speak favor, speak over your life more then enough. For if I stand for you, you can stand against you. Walk in peace and not in fear says the Lord your God.
Word from God Sep 11/20
I ask that you prefect loving your neighbor as yourself. For how can you call yourself mine when you are void of love. Is it not so in my word that the greatest is love. But you love not the ones that are not like you. You complain and judge them. Yet you say I love them.
But are you talking about them behind their back, are you back biting? Is this love. You say I love my family but are you criticizing them? Do you treat them the way I treat you? Remember for every finger you point against another three are pointing back.
I want my children to truly show my love for others by how they love them first. How will they believe I love them when you treat them in such a way. Many many of my children do this and say I have love for my brother and sister. Search your hearts and repent of this. Seek me to guide and help you to truly love and I will.
For if you seek you will find. If you are humble you will be brought higher. I will open your eyes for the things I wish to do in your life, ask me and I will make you new in me, in ways you never thought possible. I want to perfect what I started in you while there is yet time. This is the time that I wish you bring you deeper and refine you to a greater level. I wish for my children to reflect me in all they do and say and act, says the Lord your God.