Hello, my name is Joni Bonnette. I get words from God. I never dreamed of doing such a thing. But one night the Lord in a dream took the coat of a
well known prophet and had it fall over my shoulders. I new right away that meant his mantle or most of it was handed down to me. From that
moment on he be can a work in me. I went through a lot of testing and cleaning up. He told me I must do as he asked if I wanted to hear his voice
and be used by him for these end times. I did, so I worked hard to please my father and soon found words coming. The more I passed each test and
followed each instruction, the more he used me.
During the training with him I had more dreams and even looked into the eyes of Jesus. I will work on putting these dreams in the dream section. He told me as I use this gift it will increase, and it has. But that said the most important thing I learned
is obedience is key.
You must obey at all cost. And you must pass every test and trail. I also learned he is loving and will help you in passing if you are
only willing to be taught. What a good God we serve.
He never said this training, testing and trail would be easy, and it wasn’t. But I can say it was so worth it. And I would never change anything I have gone through or had to do in order to do this. Through the fires and trails he has molded me and my heart so that now I can be that diamond. I made many mistakes in my life as many of us have. But they all have been used for my good and his glory.
My background in how this all started was I began to counsel people under a license counselor. Because of the experience with that, when I asked God to please use me, he told me to start a women’s support group. So March 27 2016 is when I started. From there we now have a prayer room, and I am on YouTube. Of course all on God’s timing and at the pace he wanted.
My goal is to help all the people I can to be ready for the Lords coming. I will do anything God ask of me and will work day and night if I need to. I love my father enough to ready them and obey him in what he is asking of me. But I also truly love others to want to do this. I want to see them whole, healed, restored. There are so many hurting out there. So many in the dark and have no idea how loved they are. I pray in some way I can make a difference in many lives. I also pray when God comes for me I can say I did my best and will bring many with me to heaven.
I pray God blesses you and shows you how loved you are. I pray he brings you to new levels in him and you get to know his heart and how good he is.
God Bless you, hugs